Now I can almost hear you think: "this guy must be crazy running down his own business" (I sell the most beautiful website templates and yes... the flashy ones included). But I do want to be honest with you. If you're planning on building a website that should get its visitors from organic searches you're better off with a static pages website filled with great content (you can often hear web developers and SEO specialists say: 'Content is King'.)
However, as you may or may not know, there are two critical ways for the search engine spiders to like your site:
1. As I just mentioned: Great content, through lots of relevant (meaning subject related) text by which the spiders determine what your site is all about and therefore the relevance to search queries. Relevancy is what drives search engines. The more relevant the search query results the more satisfied the customer (= web surfer).
2. Secondly: Plenty of incoming links, preferably from highly related sites and if possible with a high page rank. For a long time and still today people are exchanging links to improve their site's rankings. This phenomena is called 'Reciprocal Linking'.
Search engines however prefer one way links and today many people write articles or have them written to spread them all over the web through article directories. Article directories are usually divided into many different categories where you can have your article 'reside'.
The beauty of this all is that these articles have so called 'Source Boxes' where the author can write some stuff about him- or herself. On many occasions you are allowed to put 2 or 3 hyperlinks in there pointing to your site. And this could result in one article to be spread all over the web giving your site more importance. If not for the amount of article directories then because a well written article will draw the attention from many people looking for great content!
So... this all means that you can still get top rankings on Google without being able to optimize your web pages. You see if there are enough authority websites (related to the subject of your site) linking to you, search engines will give your website much more credibility and as a result, higher rankings!
Conclusion: Although it is difficult to get high rankings for your flash website, it's not completely impossible. You should still be able to get pretty good rankings as long as you have enough links pointing to your site. You'll understand these links should contain the keyword (phrases) for which you want to get high rankings.
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