The contractors website design and contractor website design objectives revolve around a basic principle; build traffic through relevant content. This is the cornerstone for everything else related to a successful contractor website design.
What is the objective when building a website? Identifying leads? Branding? Selling specific services? Company or personal recognition?
It is our belief that the world wide web is in fact the greatest opportunity for local, regional and national businesses to extract business opportunities at a low cost per acquisition. With a professional contractor website design company, the process is not only expedited,but insures a successful outcome. Whether your business is focused on a local market or the entire globe, with the right placement of you web site, your opportunities are endless.
So let's begin to discover the ways the Internet can dramatically enhance your business opportunities!
With the proper website, including content that is of interest to your customers, keywords that are relevant to your target customer and skilled web development team that understands these basic concepts, your website will deliver increased opportunities to your business.
The problem!
The problem with most websites is that they are designed to just look good. They aren't designed not only to look good, but to have all of the components that will attract and sell your customers before they ever call or email you. This is a critical point. Just about everyone can throw a website up on the web. There are over 500 businesses on the web that provide templates for you to insert your text into. The problem is, regardless how good it looks, if no one shows up to look, the site is wasted. Our company is extremely good at identifying what to add or subtract from a website to get the targeted traffic that your business needs. How do we do it? After years of practice and acute knowledge of what the search engines look for as well as a broad background in business, our team can develop a site theme that not only attracts visitors to your site, but inspires them to engage your company to do business with. You see, we look at websites as a 24/7 salesperson for your company. The objective is to sell the customer before they even call you. We have found by doing this, the actual "close" of the sale is dramatically shortened and a huge efficiency is gained. Sometimes this increase in efficiency can mean your business can grow exponentially without the addition of additional sales people, thereby adding significant dollars to your bottom line without much in the way of additional work.
Every business is different. The strengths and weaknesses all result in a different tact as to how a site is developed. With experts on your team throughout this process, success is assured. The ability to key in on your company's "sweet spot" is an optimal way of attracting significant traffic to your site. Launching a new product or service? What a perfect way to let your target know about new products and services, events and changes in hours or any other information. Easy exchange of information with prospects and customers. Having a web presence, is not only a great way to increase business with new clients, but a great way to interact with existing ones as well. Think of it in these terms. Cost and speed. How much does it cost currently to get information to all of your clients? $1, $2, $5, $10 or more each? How long does it take to develop a letter or another form of direct mail? An hour, a day, a week or more. How long does it take to print, process and heaven forbid, the post office to deliver it? With a website, you can immediately add content that is pertinent to your audience. The notification to your customer can be further expedited with the addition of email. The concept of immediately contacting your customer base, directing them to your website for updates is a phenomenal way of positively impacting your business quickly, effectively and cost efficiently. The national average cost for a single comprehensive direct mail piece is $2.09 each, which is an excellent way of generating business as well but imagine a way that the only incremental cost is based on the development of the direct mail piece. No processing costs or delays. In the form of email the cost of contacting each customer drops to pennies per contact, depending on how much the development costs are. Based on the national average cost for direct mail and the actual cost to process and mail, the savings would be $1.87 each or a rough net cost per contact including development of $ .22 each. Do you think that your company would be more likely to contact your customers more often with this type of cost savings? Most certainly do. The results are staggering. The conversion rates are nearly comparable to direct mail, particularly in the construction trades.
We are experts in contractors website design, contractor website design.
Sales Cycle Shortened!
The ability to develop new customers without the long courtship is also something that is quite notable. As mentioned before, the concept of having a sales person working 24 hours a day everyday is dynamic as well. Say for example, your target customer is in need of your service. They go to their computer, enter a search engine and type in their need. Because your site has been expertly built, the words they type into the search engine match what a page on your site has as a topic. They click on the search link and viola, your site comes onto the screen. The page being viewed has all of the information the customer needs to make a buying decision right there, right now. If properly built, the customer is "sold" on your company and your ability to deliver what they're looking for. Let's say for example that they open their yellow page directory to locate your service. How much information can you afford to put in your yellow page ads? It can become cost prohibitive to put too much information in a phone book advertisement. Some companies spend thousands of dollars every year, year after year to develop new business. With a website, you don't have the need to spend as much in phone book ads. We are not suggesting that you terminate your relationship with the yellow pages. We are suggesting that the number of people utilizing the Internet to search for contractors is increasing everyday.
As you can see there are many ways the Internet can help your business grow. In these uncertain times, in order to be successful you must look to new, dynamic and cost effective ways to reach as many customers as possible. The solution for most all businesses is to partner with a web design team that has experience in the construction trades, can point to specific success based on results, and build a website for your company that will attract and keep customers 24/7/365.