Selasa, 30 Desember 2008

Web Design And John Q. Public

When using web builder technology to develop your website it is important to know that the advancement of the site is based on the intuitive choices available that can help you expand the primary areas you select for your website.

Most sites have from one to five separate primary areas that branch from the home page. These areas deal with the key functions of the business. They can include Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Us, and the Store.

This area can also include an Articles section for the display of knowledge-based content that is clearly linked to the primary purpose of your website. This can include general knowledge articles along with how-tos or planning tips.

There are two primary uses for knowledge-based content. The first is as a benefit to prospective customers in order to enhance their user experience. The second function is to reach out to search engines with enhanced Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies.

You can do an effective job of improving search engine rankings by using keywords or phrases throughout the body of your website. In other words you will want to infuse every page of your web design with the same keywords or phrases.

The simple rule for SEO is to use the same selected words throughout roughly 3% of your entire text. The more effective you are in this regard the better your site rankings.

Once you develop the springboard of the homepage to the primary directories you will need to decide the branches that will come from each of those pages. For instance if you have three primary categories of products you would have three sub directories linked to the “Store” section of your website. Within those pages you will include individual pages for the products you are making available within their primary category.

Many business owners may avoid the use of web builder technology simply because they either feel it is somehow inferior to a site designed by an individual or they feel as if they would be incapable of managing the development of a site on their own.

In the case of being inferior the majority of those presently using web builder site development software feel that the end result of the sites they have built far exceed their expectations and carries a price that has helped them reduce overall costs resulting in an earlier improvement to their bottom line.

In the case of not feeling capable you only need to look to a social media site to have some idea of the ease with which you can develop a site through web builder software.

The process for creating and developing a site using this technology is generally accomplished through a step-by-step guide that involves answering questions and selecting a template. Virtually all aspects of the site can be edited and redirected to fit your specific needs.

Perhaps the greatest part of developing your own website is that you have the ability to make changes when you need them made. One of the concerns many online businesses mention when talking about a traditional web designer is that it can be difficult to enact changes if the web designer is behind on other projects.

In most businesses you will want the flexibility of being able to make changes WHEN you want those changes made. Web builder technology makes it happen.

Senin, 29 Desember 2008

Top Tips for Web Design

This article takes a look at the top 10 web design tips for users at any level. It will give you 10 complete different points to contemplate when you next begin a site design or when talking to your web design consultant/employee.

Design is never straight forward and web design has the additional unpredictable complication of technology thrown in. This means that you need to consider the consequences of your design decisions and how it will effect the most important people who see your site, the users themselves. The following tips should help you consider this and have a positive effect on your site and its users.

1. Navigation & Functionality

You should never sacrifice overall functionality for artistic extravagance. It is highly unlikely your site will ever achieve its purpose if the people who visit it cannot clearly and easily navigate around it.

Your site should look good but first and foremost consider how someone who knows nothing about the site would think when they landed there.

Something occurring in website frequently these days is Mystery Meat Navigation. This is a term coined by Vincent Flanders and it is used to describe site where navigation structures are so obscure and difficult to process that users cannot identify them at all and end up running there mouse across whole sections of a screen just to identify hyperlinks.

2. Images

People say images are worth a 1000 words and in web design that’s true in 2 ways. Firstly an image can do a lot more than text in some situation but secondly they are much, much bigger files with a higher download time.

It is widely accepted users will click away from a page that takes longer than 5-10 seconds to load and every time you put an image in a page you are increasing the likelihood of this happening. Additionally each image you imbed into a page design activates an additional HTTP request to your server so dividing an image into smaller ones or using lots of small images across a page does not solve the problem.

ALT tags should also be factored into the code of a website. They are a huge help to people who have either images turned off in a browse, mobile broswers that can’t read the images or a random error preventing the image from showing. They also hold a small SEO benefit.

3. Tables

It is advised that you use CSS and not tables to format a document but in some cases tables can be necessary. Remember one thing however, a table cannot be displayed until it has fully loaded. This can potentially cause a huge problem for users as they wait for the page to load, nothing appears then out of nowhere the whole page is done.

Someone is much more likely to click away when nothing is loading than when they can see progress.

4. Fonts

Don’t design sites to use fonts only you have, chances are they will be converted into some dull font and ruin the effect you were trying to achieve. Save special fonts for specific headers and convert them to images. Make the rest of your site in standard fonts so that as many browsers as possible will see it in the way you meant it to be. Recommended fonts for high scale compatibility are Arial, Verdana, Courier, Tahoma and Helvetica.

5. Plug-Ins

Plug-ins hold a lot of potential for both users and designers but it can easily be misused and misguided.

Plug-ins have a many forms and uses, the most popular being Java and Flash Player. I have heard a lot of people say that these plug-ins are “safe” and that everyone has them but this is simply not true. Every plug-in has a stack of different versions and connects differently depending on the browser the user is surfing with.

Think if your users will really want to browse to other sites to download a plug-in, restart the browser then navigate back. If the answer is no use other tricks at your disposal to make your page unique and save the big guns that are Flash and Java for times where it is essential.

6. Tags

The “tags” I am referring to hear are meta keywords and description, title, alt and h1 tags. Together these tags help manage your sites search engine optimisation (SEO) potential and this is defiantly something not to overlook. Helping people find your site will bring more traffic in and more conversion if you are a retail site.

The higher search engines rank you the more traffic will filter down and the more successful your site will be. Try to keep a constant theme running through all your tags but do so in a subtle way. Splashing the same word 1000 times on your page will only have negative effects so make sure you strike the correct balance between informative and spammy.

7. Browsers

In a perfect world everyone would use the same browser and your website would look the same on everyone’s screen but unfortunately this is not the case. Every browser has its own specific functions and styles and learning to make you code cooperate with both can present some serious problems.

The three you really need to concern yourself with are Internet Explorer, Firefox and Safari. These make up a good 95% of the browser market at the very least and while there are some additional popular browser I would not recommend you spend time optimising code for the rest.

The only thing you can do is do your best and stay away from browser specific functions, you’ll never make someone get a new browser.

8. Pop Ups

Something that is very important to remember is that the user should be in control of their browser and desktop. Do not place unnecessary pop ups and window opening links everywhere and the user will feel they have lost control of the site, become annoyed and close the windows.

There are some exceptions to using the (_blank) attribute but I would steer clear whenever possible.

9. Text Layout

Text is part of your design to and positioning it correctly on the page is very important. Try to get all the copy you need as early in the design process as possible. This means you will be able to design around the copy instead of trying to cram it into smaller spaces because someone wrote twice as much copy as they said they were going to.

Use the right alignment for the right situation, remember 99% of people will prefer left align and while justified look aesthetically better it can be very difficult to read in longer bouts.

10. Site Search

In this day and age finding what you want on a website in paramount. After you have followed the first tip on navigation you should also provide a search bar on your site so that a visitor who cannot immediately see what they are looking for can search. Many internet studies have seen the success of these smaller additions to your site and free ones are available from Google and many other SE operators.


Taking these 10 tips into account will help you design a more user-friendly and successful website, sometime it may seem like they are hindering your grand design but failing to take notice may result in your site being a very pretty stop sign for browsers. Just because you can find your way around your Flash menu system that takes 6 minutes to load doesn’t mean Mrs Smith who needs the product can.

Minggu, 28 Desember 2008

Best Website Content

Reading a website is not similar to reading a book or a newspaper, therefore before you start spilling money on campaigns be sure your site is built in accordance with internet writing standards. Lets talk about few simple rules you don't want to break when building a website:

Don't waste your visitors time

Time is money. Most people decide whether they are interested in what the website has to offer in just to seconds. Therefore make sure your landing page provides the most crucial and appealing information about your business.

Number one time waster is a heavy loading pages with lot's of flash animations and pictures. Make sure your web pages are not too heavy otherwise you might loose your visitors before they entered your website.

Most of the visitors need to find what they are looking for fast, otherwise they look for it elsewhere. As a webmaster you must make sure your data is well categorizes and divided to relevant pages , categories, headlines and sub-titles. A visitor must be able to navigate your website easily and successfully.

Avoid too much "Special affects"

By this I mean don't include too much flash movies and avoid using music if you don't have to. As we mentioned earlier, Flash has a large loading time which damages viewer experience, besides too much flash may be annoying and search engines can't read it.

Music is a great thing, but somehow music and websites do not fit too well. If you want to put some background tune anyway, make sure a user can silence it quickly and easily. Or in contrary , let the user click "Play" and begin the music when he decides.

Pop-ups and new pages

If you have links in your site , I strongly advise you not to use the pop-up option and not to open these links in new window. Seemingly pop-ups and new windows are a very good idea if we don't want the visitor to navigate from our website but many years of experience shows that users prefer to click "Back" buttons. As to pop-ups , most of browsers tend to block them , and you don't want to waste your viewer time on enabling pop-ups.


Use standard fonts which are supported by all browsers, like Arial and Times New Roman. You don't want your viewers to get gibberish and go away from your website. Don't use very small or very large fonts . You don't want your pages to smear for miles and you don't want to scare away people with poor vision .

Sabtu, 27 Desember 2008

Design Your Website to Make Money!

Does making money from a website seem a little daunting? Well, actually, if you know what to do, it really is quite easy. If your website is not making money there are a few changes you can make to bringing in a profit.

The appearance of the website itself may be what is causing you to lose money. There are certain expectations that people have of a website when they are surfing. They expect to see the layout in a particular way and if you go against what is perceived as the "norm" for a website, people are going to leave your site thinking there is a problem. When this happens, you have lost a sale or a potential prospect for your affiliate program.

It is imperative that you do not leave a huge blank spot on your site. Huge chunks of white space are not attractive to users and it appears as if something is missing from the site. You can use white space to your advantage however, for more details visit to by not cluttering your site. Keep the graphics to a minimum. Have a clear masthead along the top of the site or the left hand side. That is where user tends to look first.

All pictures and graphics should be spaced reasonably without leaving a huge gaping white block. Use a few ads as pictures to up your Google rating. When you are involved as an affiliate with various programs, this will give you plenty of links and ads to place in areas where there is nothing else. Thus also creating an additional stream of income when your site is visited and your program is offered. Make sure that what you are promoting is relevant to the title on your webpage. In other words, if you are promoting software, and your title page is "Software to Help the Affiliate Marketer" or whatever, for more details visit to you don't want to have links for e-books unless the e-books are specific to the software you are promoting. It seems silly to have to mention this part, but I have seen websites designed just that way...almost as an after thought.

Google Search is becoming a hot item to have on a website. Stick one of those on your site and user will be able to search the Net and your site as well. Google Ad words are a definite must if you are serious about making money with your website. Sign up is free and very easy. You will make money from page impressions and when people click on the particular ad sense links. Keep track of earnings by logging into your account on occasion.

Create link backs to your site by aligning up with other webmasters that are promoting the same thing you are. You put a link of their site and you put theirs on yours. You don't have to worry about losing sales because you will make money from visitors being on your site because some visitors are going to buy your products. This is a great way to increase your Google ranking and draw user that normally would not find your site, especially if it is a new site.

Clicking on your own ads is a complete waste of time and frankly it is cheating. You will be too busy generating traffic to your site that you will not have time to click the ads enough to make any substantial money. Word of mouth is the great method starting out to let everyone you know you have a website. Tell everyone and e-mail everyone you know and send the link to your site so they can immediately be taken to your site when they click on the link. You will visit, some won't.

Jumat, 26 Desember 2008

You Can Design Website With Web Page Templates!

In the cyber world, websites and web pages are the primary media by which we interact with internet. Creating attractive websites by a decent yet effective website design or more specifically, webpage design is very important to attain the site's objectives. Today, creating an attractive and interactive website is no more confined to the domain of professionals and computer geniuses. There are thousands of ready-to-go web page templates for creating a good website. Initially the templates were mostly based on Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML). With the advent of newer web technologies, there are different types of templates today. Dynamic HTML (DHTML) templates, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) templates, JavaScript templates, Flash web site templates, Macromedia Dream weaver templates are some of the most familiar ones to mention. For more information simply visit there are hundreds of web sites that offer free templates which are fully functional. But most of the professional web site templates usually come with a price.

Web page design or web site design is a very important step in creating a successful and attractive website. It is the web page design and interface that draws the attention of the internet users and thus increases the traffic to a particular web site. The next important point is the functionality of the site. Website designing should be such that visitors can effectively interact with the features provided in the different web pages of the website. Keeping these two important factors in mind, web page templates are created by professional programmers or web designers.

With the increasing use of internet in all spheres of our life, especially in trade and commerce, website designing has become more important. To suit the requirements of web based activities, newer applications and software have been invented. With the help of these applications or software, scripts are written and incorporated in the web page templates. Today's websites have stunning web pages with extremely appealing interfaces. The web pages include text, graphics, animation, sound, movies, forms, polls, hit counters and many other features. Macromedia (now owned by Adobe) brought out the legendary and highly popular file format 'Flash' that can play animations, movies, sounds, slideshows or other types of contents in web pages. Due to very attractive look, design and diversity of Flash files (with extensions .swift, .flay etc), Macromedia Dream weaver - a web developing software - soon became extremely popular. Dream weaver is basically used for web related publications. Today in the internet, Flash website templates are already available in abundance. Besides Macromedia's software suit, Flash files and Flash web site templates are prepared by many third party software and applications. Macromedia Dream weaver though remains to be the best software that integrates Flash files besides other type of templates like, HTML, CSS, PHP, ASP, JavaScript, XML etc. Dream weaver templates are truly professional templates. Many of the internet's top website designs are based on Dream weaver templates. For more help go to There are many fully functional free Dream weaver templates available for download. These free templates they may lack in customizing abilities. On the other hand professional web page templates made of Dream weaver's diverse features are generally very charming and they make your website look great. These professional Dream weaver web page templates may be attached with a small price tag. But their quality looks, attractive features and customizability make them templates worth paying for.

Kamis, 25 Desember 2008

Flash Websites Can Get High Rankings!

Let's be honest: Flash elements are absolutely great for impressing your site's visitors. But unfortunately they still can't be indexed very well by most search engines, better put: the search engine spiders, since they determine the contents of your site by reading text (and therefore its relevance to searches). So if your site is purely depending on organic searches I would not yet recommend them.

Now I can almost hear you think: "this guy must be crazy running down his own business" (I sell the most beautiful website templates and yes... the flashy ones included). But I do want to be honest with you. If you're planning on building a website that should get its visitors from organic searches you're better off with a static pages website filled with great content (you can often hear web developers and SEO specialists say: 'Content is King'.)

However, as you may or may not know, there are two critical ways for the search engine spiders to like your site:

1. As I just mentioned: Great content, through lots of relevant (meaning subject related) text by which the spiders determine what your site is all about and therefore the relevance to search queries. Relevancy is what drives search engines. The more relevant the search query results the more satisfied the customer (= web surfer).

2. Secondly: Plenty of incoming links, preferably from highly related sites and if possible with a high page rank. For a long time and still today people are exchanging links to improve their site's rankings. This phenomena is called 'Reciprocal Linking'.

Search engines however prefer one way links and today many people write articles or have them written to spread them all over the web through article directories. Article directories are usually divided into many different categories where you can have your article 'reside'.

The beauty of this all is that these articles have so called 'Source Boxes' where the author can write some stuff about him- or herself. On many occasions you are allowed to put 2 or 3 hyperlinks in there pointing to your site. And this could result in one article to be spread all over the web giving your site more importance. If not for the amount of article directories then because a well written article will draw the attention from many people looking for great content!

So... this all means that you can still get top rankings on Google without being able to optimize your web pages. You see if there are enough authority websites (related to the subject of your site) linking to you, search engines will give your website much more credibility and as a result, higher rankings!

Conclusion: Although it is difficult to get high rankings for your flash website, it's not completely impossible. You should still be able to get pretty good rankings as long as you have enough links pointing to your site. You'll understand these links should contain the keyword (phrases) for which you want to get high rankings.

Rabu, 24 Desember 2008

Norwich Website Designers And Their Task

Web masters while designing their website look for many things. They mainly desire that the customer needs of the customer are satisfied. Websites need to be user friendly and updated. No one prefers to make several clicks or wait for long durations of time to move to the desired page. Web design in Norfolk has developed to a great extent in the last few years, catering to the growing needs of the web masters. Norwich website designers understand the fact that a website needs to be a true reflection of the services and offered by the company. It should be able to truly reflect the position of the company at the same time being extremely creative. Who will like to visit a dull and boring website?

Some of the popular services offered by web designers in Norwich are the popular and very essential creative advertising concepts along with different kinds of services related to art direction and artwork. Norfolk along with Norwich has also become a popular web design hub and one of the most sought after places when thinking about web designing. Norfolk website design companies often provide excellent services that are related to Graphic designs for many corporate identities, that includes the posters, brochures and leaflets also. The website designers in Norwich are aware of the different techniques that help to bring traffic to a website. In this endeavour they provide several services that includes the full fledged designs of e-commerce shopping baskets that help in making on line payments for the customers. Though the services offered by the Norwich web design companies may vary most of them provide the common services in website designing.

The Norwich website designers consider many factors which they decide for the perfect website. Content is given prime importance by web designers in Norwich. While designing any website the content is given importance as content is known to bind the visitors to the website. An uninteresting and irrelevant content can never keep the visitors in the website for long. The Norfolk website design companies also try to ensure that the content of the website is relevant to the business. It should be targeted to the customers and in a well written and informative format. The website designers also ensure the usability of the website. It is the duty of the web designers of Norwich to ensure that the website is simple, user friendly and with relevant information for the website.

Web designers in Norfolk lay a lot of significance to the appearance of the website. It is the design of the website that matters the most. By design it means the appearance of the website, whether it is catchy, whether it is made in conjunction to the text and whether the website has a consistent look throughout. Until the users are comfortable working in the website, they will not subscribe or purchase any products from it. Last but not the least any website agency in Norwich gives utmost importance to the visibility of the website and ensures that the website gets a good ranking in the search engines.

Selasa, 23 Desember 2008

10 tips to a great web page

The speed of the Internet is getting faster year by year. As people are getting high speed Internet access so the page size also are getting bigger. But before 2 years the speed of the internet was very slow nearly 56kbps. It is important that you do website optimization work for your pages so that you can get fast download speeds that your customers are looking for. If you want your site to be downloaded very fast keep the WebPages to around 30k in size, including images.

Readers will know what you want to tell them about their site if you minimize the scrolling. A good screen size is 640 pixels wide by 480 tall. The site should use links, personalized and good navigation. Try to write good articles on your site so that people will read it. The article should have correct spelling, good grammar and interesting content.

Only 10% of users will scroll beyond the first screen of text. But if that first screen has a table of contents viewers will click on the links to the explanatory text. The most important issues facing the internet are: Privacy, Censorship and Navigation. For privacy, you can post your privacy policy on your website. Navigation should provide clear visual messages, support users goals and behaviors, remain consistent throughout the site.

Try to keep images small. Large images irritate people as it takes plenty of time to download, people don't have time to wait so they will visit some other site. Some of the tips to make large web images smaller-there are only two image formats for the web, used for specific purpose. They are JPEG and GIF. Cropping can make your web image smaller both in dimensions and download size.

People don't read the web, they skim it.

If you use safe color palette most people will see your page and images in the colors you intended.

See to it that the text on the web Pages do not have spelling or grammar errors.

Keep checking your links regularly so that they are valid. Using a link checker speeds up pages with many links. Many experienced HTML writers make mistakes, but with validators you can check the pages with minimize damages. HTML validators will check your HTML for any errors; verify spelling and grammar to make sure that the web sites meet the guidelines.

Links are very important part of a web page. When people view your web pages they are drawn to images but they also look at links. In web pages, links are underlined and are in different color than the surrounding text. They stand out. Make your links order from general to specific. When people are searching for any information they generally start with general search and then they narrow down their search to be more specific. Think of your links as a funnel.

One more important thing that has to be in your web page is contact information. There are two options to create contact information. You can create a mail link that opens an email application or you can create a form that acts as the contact link for your site.

Senin, 22 Desember 2008

Contractor Web Design

The contractors website design and contractor website design objectives revolve around a basic principle; build traffic through relevant content. This is the cornerstone for everything else related to a successful contractor website design.

What is the objective when building a website? Identifying leads? Branding? Selling specific services? Company or personal recognition?

It is our belief that the world wide web is in fact the greatest opportunity for local, regional and national businesses to extract business opportunities at a low cost per acquisition. With a professional contractor website design company, the process is not only expedited,but insures a successful outcome. Whether your business is focused on a local market or the entire globe, with the right placement of you web site, your opportunities are endless.

So let's begin to discover the ways the Internet can dramatically enhance your business opportunities!

With the proper website, including content that is of interest to your customers, keywords that are relevant to your target customer and skilled web development team that understands these basic concepts, your website will deliver increased opportunities to your business.

The problem!

The problem with most websites is that they are designed to just look good. They aren't designed not only to look good, but to have all of the components that will attract and sell your customers before they ever call or email you. This is a critical point. Just about everyone can throw a website up on the web. There are over 500 businesses on the web that provide templates for you to insert your text into. The problem is, regardless how good it looks, if no one shows up to look, the site is wasted. Our company is extremely good at identifying what to add or subtract from a website to get the targeted traffic that your business needs. How do we do it? After years of practice and acute knowledge of what the search engines look for as well as a broad background in business, our team can develop a site theme that not only attracts visitors to your site, but inspires them to engage your company to do business with. You see, we look at websites as a 24/7 salesperson for your company. The objective is to sell the customer before they even call you. We have found by doing this, the actual "close" of the sale is dramatically shortened and a huge efficiency is gained. Sometimes this increase in efficiency can mean your business can grow exponentially without the addition of additional sales people, thereby adding significant dollars to your bottom line without much in the way of additional work.

Every business is different. The strengths and weaknesses all result in a different tact as to how a site is developed. With experts on your team throughout this process, success is assured. The ability to key in on your company's "sweet spot" is an optimal way of attracting significant traffic to your site. Launching a new product or service? What a perfect way to let your target know about new products and services, events and changes in hours or any other information. Easy exchange of information with prospects and customers. Having a web presence, is not only a great way to increase business with new clients, but a great way to interact with existing ones as well. Think of it in these terms. Cost and speed. How much does it cost currently to get information to all of your clients? $1, $2, $5, $10 or more each? How long does it take to develop a letter or another form of direct mail? An hour, a day, a week or more. How long does it take to print, process and heaven forbid, the post office to deliver it? With a website, you can immediately add content that is pertinent to your audience. The notification to your customer can be further expedited with the addition of email. The concept of immediately contacting your customer base, directing them to your website for updates is a phenomenal way of positively impacting your business quickly, effectively and cost efficiently. The national average cost for a single comprehensive direct mail piece is $2.09 each, which is an excellent way of generating business as well but imagine a way that the only incremental cost is based on the development of the direct mail piece. No processing costs or delays. In the form of email the cost of contacting each customer drops to pennies per contact, depending on how much the development costs are. Based on the national average cost for direct mail and the actual cost to process and mail, the savings would be $1.87 each or a rough net cost per contact including development of $ .22 each. Do you think that your company would be more likely to contact your customers more often with this type of cost savings? Most certainly do. The results are staggering. The conversion rates are nearly comparable to direct mail, particularly in the construction trades.

We are experts in contractors website design, contractor website design.

Sales Cycle Shortened!

The ability to develop new customers without the long courtship is also something that is quite notable. As mentioned before, the concept of having a sales person working 24 hours a day everyday is dynamic as well. Say for example, your target customer is in need of your service. They go to their computer, enter a search engine and type in their need. Because your site has been expertly built, the words they type into the search engine match what a page on your site has as a topic. They click on the search link and viola, your site comes onto the screen. The page being viewed has all of the information the customer needs to make a buying decision right there, right now. If properly built, the customer is "sold" on your company and your ability to deliver what they're looking for. Let's say for example that they open their yellow page directory to locate your service. How much information can you afford to put in your yellow page ads? It can become cost prohibitive to put too much information in a phone book advertisement. Some companies spend thousands of dollars every year, year after year to develop new business. With a website, you don't have the need to spend as much in phone book ads. We are not suggesting that you terminate your relationship with the yellow pages. We are suggesting that the number of people utilizing the Internet to search for contractors is increasing everyday.

As you can see there are many ways the Internet can help your business grow. In these uncertain times, in order to be successful you must look to new, dynamic and cost effective ways to reach as many customers as possible. The solution for most all businesses is to partner with a web design team that has experience in the construction trades, can point to specific success based on results, and build a website for your company that will attract and keep customers 24/7/365.

Minggu, 21 Desember 2008

How to Build a Website?

You know you need a website for yourself or your organization. Now the only question is how you are going to go about doing it without breaking the bank. For more detail go to: But at the same time, you don't want it to look cheap either, it needs to look professional and be easy to change when changes are needed.

Having a web site today has become a necessity for individuals and organizations alike. Your online presence matters much in the global world we live in, especially if you want to be heard, to make a difference, and then having your website is essential.

Making your own website is even more important if you want to do business online, or want to promote your products or services online. An effective website can do wonders in the marketing domain and get you the sales you desperately need. What's more is that a mere website can change you from having a local presence to having a global one.

So what do you do if you want to have a website? The first thoughts that come to mind are thoughts that will send jitters down your spine. Instantly when you think of making a professional, classy website, with a website design that is catchy, you think of hiring professional web designers, making them understand how you want your website to be, paying them hundreds (or thousands) of dollars to make the website and then paying them more, and possibly having to wait days or weeks, for every change you want in the future. That is sure to make you weary and your pocketbook thin. For more detail go to: In the old days (a few years ago) that used to be about the only choice you had unless you wanted to grind it out on your own trying to learn HTML coding from scratch. Yuck! Now with CSS programming, it's even more difficult to do on your own.

Fast forward to today: Now even a rank newbie can have their own professional website in just a few minutes. There are now some great options to make your very own website yourself with hardly any knowledge of programming or HTML or any of those complicated things. You can make your own website design, choose from a range of website templates and fill out the content the way you want, and, if you get the right website builder, you can make changes any time you want, whenever you want without it costing you anything extra. Making your own website has now become an affordable, do-it-yourself and easy thing to do, if, and I say if, you choose the right one. But beware: choose the wrong web builder, and it could be a nightmare. What you are looking for is an affordable, workable, professional looking website building tool preferably with a reasonable monthly fee of no more than $50 (to start) and preferably no contract. If you see them ask for a long-term contract, you should step back and reconsider.

Sabtu, 20 Desember 2008

Creating and Updating your Website

You're not alone. Most small-business sites are a work in progress are constantly being revised, improved, and updated. It seems like something is always missing. Some pages are so important that not having them could hurt your bottom line. A Business Web sites should in fact be easily navagitated. Simple to use. Not lacking any critical pages. Such as containing privacy and security policies. Clean and Professional, Many companies get sidetracked from what is really important. Usually have most or all of the pages customers are looking for. Here is a list of the type of pages a business website should contain. (Besides your Product Page)

Contact Us Page. Every small-business site should have a Contact Us page, It should offer visitors a complete list of ways they can contact you. You may wish to include a form, e-mail address, instant-messaging account, regular mail, and a telephone number. With Socail Networks now being the new wave of business to keep in contact, You can leave a Follow Me on Twitter @BunnyRamey Testimonials. Alot of companies skip the Testimonials page because they consider it too self-serving. Or maybe a little concieted. Some people would argue that this is not necessary, that business owners plug their business with bogus testimonials. People want to know what is good about your products. Privacy policy. Users are more conscious about safety and privacy than ever. If you collect user data via a Web form such as a contact form, let them know their information is safe. Its like a way to build trust with your clients. FAQ. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are frequently forgotten, too. Why is an FAQ page so important? For one, you won't have to answer the same questions over and over again. Saving you time and money by letting your clients anwering questions themselves.Leaving a feedback form is also a great idea to see if you answered most repeat questions.

About Us. Another often overlooked component: the About Us page. Keep it simple, describe what your business is about, and what you offer. Also any experience that you may have. Confirmation. A decent confirmation page that acknowledges an order and thanks the visitor for his or her business is essential. Like a Thank you for purchasing this product page, or I will get back to you asap.

Subscribing. Either to your blog, Newsletter or Your Sales Page. This also gives you another way to communicate with your clients.

Senin, 08 Desember 2008

Website Design and Redesign

The website design your company commissioned a few years ago may hold a special place in the hearts of some within your company, but the market needs to be gauged regularly to determine if what worked then is what will work today. Your online presence must evolve if you hope to stay ahead of your competition. Mimicry and imitation of the #1 company in your sector is not the answer. Let help you think ahead, employing not only proven design tactics, but revolutionary methods as well. As a leading Search Engine Optimization Company and Interactive Media Agency with offices in New York and Dallas, is dedicated to achieving a strategic online presence for our clients through innovation, experience, constant testing and evaluation.

Working in close collaboration with your company,'s web designers and developers focus on usability, searchability and corporate branding, creating the most prospect-friendly, user-friendly online experience for your websites visitors.

While we do enjoy some of the more cutting edge tools and methods, we tend to shy away from gimmickry and the gratuitous use of "the next big thing," relying instead on proven and researched technologies that we predict will have staying power.

Affordable, innovative and strategically sound, website designs focus on building your business. designers have worked for some of the biggest names in business. Contact us for a portfolio sample and URLs to some of our work or to schedule an evaluation of your website design or redesign needs.

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